Office 365 Migration - It's Just a Migration, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Date: August 30, 2018 @ 11:00 AM PST

Speakers: Nathan O'Bryan Microsoft MVP & Ron Robbins, Quest

All the “quick and easy” migrations into Office 365 have been done. Many of the organizations that are migrating into Office 365 now have requirements that mean the migration process is going to be more complicated than a “standard” cloud migration. Could be  a very large organization, or due to a more complex feature that wasn’t previously available.

If your organization is one that has a complex migration into Office 365 coming up, you’re not going to want to miss this webcast. Nathan O’Bryan (MCSM/MVP) and  Ron Robbins will talk about some of the ways these complex Office 365 migrations can go wrong, and what you can do to ensure yours is completed successfully.

We’ll cover common mistakes, and the proper way to plan for a successful Office 365 migration.