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PowerShell for Teams Reporting

Hello from the bunker! I assume most of you will be reading this blog post from my future, and hopefully the world has returned to something closer to “normal”. By normal, I mean there isn’t a pandemic going on and people can leave their houses. As I write this blog post, I am about a month into the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 and I haven’t left my house except for trips to the grocery store for what feels like about 20 years.

Regardless of if you’re reading this from your own social distancing hide out, or if you’re back in the office working like you did in 2019, it’s time for organizations to put more effort into their remote worker management. I do think that a lot more people are going to be doing a lot more remote work in the very near future. With more users working remotely, we as IT pros need to focus more on reporting data around our services usage and helping management understand how IT resources are being used.